We recently added a node to our current EBS application. As part of the node addition steps, tried to executed adop phase=fs_clone but it failed immediately with errors.
Enter the APPS password:
Enter the SYSTEM password:
Enter the WLSADMIN password:
Validating credentials.
Run Edition context : /app/EBD//fs2/inst/apps/EBD_oraapp01/appl/admin/EBD_oraapp01.xml
Patch edition context: /app/EBD//fs1/inst/apps/EBD_oraapp01/appl/admin/EBD_oraapp01.xml
Patch file system free space: 41.85 GB
Validating system setup.
[UNEXPECTED]Invalid worker Count: 0
[UNEXPECTED]Error validating worker count
Later tried to assign worker count of value 8 manually as below but it also failed
$ adop phase=fs_clone workers=8
Validating credentials.
Run Edition context : /app/EBD//fs2/inst/apps/EBD_oraapp01/appl/admin/EBD_oraapp01.xml
Patch edition context: /app/EBD//fs1/inst/apps/EBD_oraapp01/appl/admin/EBD_oraapp01.xml
Patch file system free space: 41.85 GB
[UNEXPECTED]Specified value 8 is not supported by the database.
[UNEXPECTED]A maximum of 1 workers can be invoked.
[UNEXPECTED]Error validating worker count
Observed the same issue with prepare phase as well.
The default worker count information(recomm & max) is stored in a file adpawc.xml that can be found under $APPL_TOP/admin/$TWO_TASK/log
Somehow this file has been modified with recommended value as 0 and max value as 1 during node addition.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Update recommended & max value based on cpu count.
Here I updated recommended value as 8 and max value as 64 and saved the file.
Once the changes are made, fs_clone went smoothly.