Monday, December 30, 2013

Apps URL redirecting to https after cloning (ssl_terminator)

Apps URL redirecting to https instead of http after clone

As part of regular practice I tried to clone my Production instance with standard oracle steps. Our Production is configured with Load balancer and SSL Setup at load balancer.

I executed successfully on appsTier.
Later I modified the below context file parameters to disable SSL configuration after clone

<webentryurlprotocol oa_var="s_webentryurlprotocol">https</webentryurlprotocol>
<webentryurlprotocol oa_var="s_webentryurlprotocol">http</webentryurlprotocol>

<chronosURL oa_var="s_chronosURL"></chronosURL>
<chronosURL oa_var="s_chronosURL"></chronosURL>

<EndUserMonitoringURL oa_var="s_endUserMonitoringURL"></EndUserMonitoringURL>
<EndUserMonitoringURL oa_var="s_endUserMonitoringURL"></EndUserMonitoringURL>

<externURL oa_var="s_external_url"></externURL>
<externURL oa_var="s_external_url"></externURL>

<login_page oa_var="s_login_page"></login_page>
<login_page oa_var="s_login_page"></login_page>

Then executed autoconfig ad it completed without any errors. Later I brought up the application services normally and tried to launch application. After launching the url it is again redirecting to https even after chaning necessary parameters context file. is redirecting to

Later upon investigation I found that changing all https to http doesn't disable SSL but also need to modify ssl_terminator value in context value as below.

<sslterminator oa_var="s_enable_sslterminator"/>

<sslterminator oa_var="s_enable_sslterminator">#</sslterminator>

This disables SSL configuration. The I executed autoconfig and bounced services and finally I could launch ebs applications from Browser.


Thursday, December 12, 2013

Query for File version track of DB packages in R12

Hi All,

Below SQL Query helps in extracting the Package Version details updated due to application of various patches to e-business home.

select a.file_id,(select filename from ad_files where b.file_id=file_id) file_name, to_char(a.last_update_date,'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:Mi:SS')
from ad_file_versions a,
(select file_id from AD_FILES where filename in
(select ltrim(substr(text,instr(text,'H',-1)+7,instr((substr(text,instr(text,'H',-1)+7)),'s 1',-1))) from dba_source
where name = '&Package_name'
and text like '%$Header%.pls%' )) b
where a.file_id =b.file_id

order by last_update_date

Hope this helps..

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Version Conflicts among development maintained and customized templates encountered; aborting AutoConfig run IAX


We are upgrading our current 11i instance to 12,1,3 and as part of upgrade we executed 12.1.1 driver successfully. But later when I tried to configure application using rapidwiz it is continuously failing. The environment working in AIX.

Found below error in adconfig.log

Starting AutoConfig at Tue Dec 10 06:00:28 2013
Using version 120.26

    Script execution phase specified: INSTE8_SETUP
        Classpath                   :

Version Conflicts among development maintained and customized templates encountered; aborting AutoConfig run.

Also found below errors in rapidwiz logfile $INST_TOP/logs/12100618.log

AutoConfig will consider the custom templates if present.

        Using CONFIG_HOME location     : /u01/oracle/test/inst/apps/test_tesdb
ERROR: Invalid java version found:

        JVMJ9VM015W Initialization error for library j9dmp24(0): JVMJ9VM009E J9VMDllMain failed
Could not create the Java virtual machine.

ERROR: Invalid java version found:
        JVMJ9VM015W Initialization error for library j9dmp24(0): JVMJ9VM009E J9VMDllMain failed

Could not create the Java virtual machine.
       Classpath                   :

Version Conflicts among development maintained and customized templates encountered; aborting AutoConfig run.


Before running rapidwix we have executed 12.1.1 upgrade driver by setting the below parameter 

export LDR_CNTRL=MAXDATA=0x40000000


The parameter LDR_CNTRL=MAXDATA=0x40000000 should be set only if we run large jobs in AIX
unset LDR_CNTRL as below
$ unset LDR_CNTRL